Not everything in life is easy

Not everything in life is easy. Raising a baby, it turns out, is one of those things. Sonja must have a little runner gene in her because last night she was sleeping in fartlek fashion. That is to say, instead of a nice continuous sleeping pattern we had the more variable variant - 2.5 hours, 1.5 hours, 1 hour, .5 hours... I am certain that this means she is gearing up for some marathon sleeping sessions in the coming months. Training is never easy.

Sonja is actually at the doc's office right making sure everything is okay. We are scheduled to head down to Iowa for a wedding this weekend. Hope that goes okay.

My wife is a saint. She is with Sonja all day long and she is still alive when I come home. I am with Sonja for 5 hours at night and the sheer volume and intensity of our poor daughters crying is enough to bring me to my knees. Everyone one keeps telling us that it gets better. Right now the jury is out on this.

Don't get me wrong. I am head over heels in love with the little peanut. But trying to console an inconsolable child is heartbreaking. It's so hard to know she just ate, has a fresh diaper and yet still seems upset. The whole guess work of communication between parent and baby is not turning out to be my strong suit so far, but according to several resources I will get better at understanding what these wails and shrieks mean as time goes by. I was kind of hoping the wails and shrieks would subside as time went by, but that must just be the Pollyanna in me...

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