My Friend Jesus - Optional HD

Sonja tells a tale which mysteriously includes Jesus and various Disney characters. The inclusion of Jesus is the mysterious part not the Disney characters.

For all videos if you double click on the video it will take you to youtube where there is a small link on the bottom right hand just under the video that says watch in HD. Click that let it load and you will see a vast improvement in quality!

Sonja sings about how much she loves grandmas - Optional HD

I realize that most of the video is of a bathroom door knob but you have to listen to the audio for the full effect.:

Molly in the Bouncie Chair - Optional HD

Molly Attempting to Rollover - HD Optional

Jenn's new hair

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2nd floor

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The Unflappable Molly Ruth

This is video from my new camera. You can double click on the video to go to the video at Youtube and then click on the watch in HD link just under the bottom right of the video frame and voila HD!