Sonja Smiles

Sonja is starting to smile for reasons other than gastrointestinal...

Thinking about smiling...

How does this smiling thing work Daddy?

I refuse to smile while looking like Oliva Newton John!

There it is : ) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK John, I clicked on one of your ads...actually two. So, are you getting rich now? Does it determine the ads based on your personality? I'm thinking maybe so since the current ad is as follows:

Polka & Waltz Superstore.
Buy CDs and Cassettes On Line. Listen before you buy.

Somehow the software knew that you were a Polka master and that those reading your website might be as well. Anyway, it's national day here in Singapore (i.e. their version of July 4th), so I'm relaxing with the kids before heading to the national day festivities.

- Erik