Skiing in Utah

I will be on a mini-vacation the next few day. The wife and I are off to Utah to visit her cousins. She will be visiting and I plan on doing some skiing. For those of you who don't know, it is true that Utah has the best snow on earth. Has to do with the low moisture content in the snow due to the fact that the clouds form over the CA and NV deserts. The forecast calls for snow and I can hardly wait to get back on my skis. I used to ski 5-days a week from about age 16-20. I haven't gone nearly as much in the last 5 years, probably more like 5 times total since age 20. This is due, in large part, to the fact that downhill skiing in Minnesota is really depressing after skiing in the Mountains of Colorado for 3 years. I know that makes me sound like a ski snob, but there it is.

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