Movie Review - King Kong

Movie Review: Peter Jackson's King Kong is, quite simply, a masterpiece. I went into this movie not really wanting to see it. I remember watching the original as well as the remake with my mom as a child. I liked both previous versions, and with the overabundance of remakes that Hollywood is churning out I was highly dubious.

It started somewhat slowly, but with great attention to detail. Within 10 minutes I dropped my usual aversion to 'period piece' movies and was hooked.

Naomi Watts' performance is wonderful. Rarely do you see acting of this caliber in a monster movie.

Oddly enough Kong (Andy Serkis, the same gentleman that played Golem in the Lord of the Rings series) takes second in the acting category. The special effects are amazing. What's amazing about them isn't how they are used for big grandiose effects but rather the use of special effects for subtle facial features which in the end communicates almost as much as dialogue.

Both Jack Black and Adrien Brody do an admirable job but I think their performances pale in comparison to those of Naomi and Kong.

Overall, I give this movie 5 stars on a scale where 12 triangles and 2 squares is highest and where 3 circles and a trapezoid are lowest. It really is a must see movie. Oh yeah, don't wait for the DVD, this one will be better at the theater!


Anonymous said...

Agreed that this is a grea movie...but I could've done without the 20 minutes of disgusting monster bug footage. :)

John Merland said...

I agree with SJ not a big bug fan... reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.