Sonja in the High Chair and with Kitty

Another busy weekend here at the house. We hosted the monthly neighborhood party on Friday (proof of our insanity). Sonja held up better than her parents did. Karma also taught us a lesson.

Jenn and I were braggin' up the fact that Sonja has been such a good sleeper since about 2.5 months. Sleeping though the night, easy to put to bed, etc. So of course every night for the past few days she has been hard to get to bed and has woken up at hours best fit for the zombies and Wal-Mart shelf stockers.

Oh yeah, and I did finish my paper for class, but unlike previous classes I will spare all of you and not post it to the blog. It's about the importance of blogging for businesses so I am certain no one wants to read it.

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend. Feel free to post comments and click ads : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such fun pics of Sonja , kitty, and Jenn. She'll get excited about eating stuff when it has taste. Good captions, Love, Grandma Pat