
Driving to work this morning I noticed something I hadn't noticed in sometime. The sky. I see the sky everyday, but usually pay it no mind, but this morning was different somehow. I really took it in.

The sun was not quite up yet and I could just make out the outline of the rain clouds that have been covering the area for the last few days. The way the nascent sun backlight the greyish white clouds made me think. Think in that way I don't think in enough anymore. It made me think small.

When I say think small I really mean think big but to think big I first have to feel small. Those clouds, that sky, the sun made me feel human. Not the we run the world human, but human in the I am just another of many living things on this planet floating in space. I was in awe at the beauty of life.

It was a good way to start the day.

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