Life will change

I have had several friends comment to me about the blog that it's great but that I just won't have time for that sort of thing once baby arrives. Perhaps they are right, but I like to think that if you really enjoy doing something you will make time for it. If writing a blog that 4 people read is something I enjoy enough remains to be seen but for now... I write.

I know it is true, because everyone says it, "Your life is never going to be the same" they say... I can not dispute this. In fact it would be folly to do so. My life is about to take a dramatic turn down a road of which I know very little. I have traveled down this road growing up as a child, but soon I will be the one guiding another small footsteps on the winding road of life. It is an overwhelming task when I sit and think on it, but there is one thing I don't want to forget... I want to teach our child to be true to herself. And to do this I think it is imperative that I remain true to myself. True, my golf game may suffer, or my time playing video games may dwindle, but I hope that I am able to hold onto these activities even if just a sliver of them - for both my sanity and for perspective.

I imagine I will go back and read this someday and laugh to my hearts content. Perhaps little Sonja (Sonia) will sit by my side and read it with me and say, "Daddy you don't golf" and I will look into her eyes and strain to remember why I ever golfed in the first placed, but I just don't see it happening.

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