Monday meanderings

Monday today. Little sun, therefore ergo whatever now to no energy.

Sugar-free popsicle for dessert - is that aftertaste carcinogenic?

Often I wonder what it would be like to just type without really caring what I was talking about and not overly worried about sense or meaning. It actually feels therapeutic. Like the remainders in math... 7 divided 4 by 1 with a remainder of 3.... How non-scientific is that. is that even legit math... it was the math for me... lazy math... wonder what math will be like for baby. will I be able to help her with her homework? for how long?

chewing on the popsicle stick now. gnawed into a flat soggy splinter stick.

lots going on but calm like an eddy in a river. caught outside the stream but only briefly. soon baby, crib, sleeplessness and a family. So exicted to experience it all.

I have big questions... I wonder about life, about where we came from, why we are here, where we are going. Big questions make me feel right sized. Miniscule in a universe of big. But even the big has a limit - what lies there - the edge of things. A land of imagination of things unknown and unknowable.

Apologies for any who read this hoping for a point.

πr2)(r) - (1/2)[(4/3)(πr3)] = (1/3)πr3

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