t minus ?

There are currently several unknown variables in my life, both personal as well as professional.  Not really sure what is going to happen at work, the group I have worked with for the past year and a half is about to undergo a major shake-up and I am not sure where the chips will fall.  Stress.  Baby #2 is due anytime now, this is great news, but not knowing WHEN just adds enough chaos to the daily routine that it makes all things slightly more stressful.

Then we start to move out beyond my local spheres of influence... past the families and friends which again aren't always stressful but do require a certain amount of energy in order to maintain.  Past that politics... I have decided to be fully engrossed in absorbing news but in true Minnesotian fashion I choose to repress all reactions to this news.  It turns out that repressing pigs, pitbulls and lipstick is libel to give one a tummy-ache.  Not healthy.... then beyond that there is this The Hadron Collider Controversy

1 comment:

YourFrenz said...

Don't forget the shrinking polar ice caps. The temps are really gonna rise now.

Feelin some of your pain on the west coast too. Family, job, what to eat for breakfast....

That's why everyday is special, can't afford to miss out on the finer things like eating out and micro brews.