Long day - Thursday

Thursday's tend to be long for me. I have class after work so I don't get home until 9:15pm. This means I am generally not at home for a total of 15 hours... No Sonja time, no Jenn time, just work then class.

Class is great and all but it's nothing compared to my family.

Plus today I have this splitting headache that I has come out of nowhere within the last hour. I am praying that we watch a video for the first half of class...

I have lots of bits of stories I would like to write or pieces of a train of thought I would like to explore further and I tell myself that I should write it down. Inevitably I do not and then the thought fades and I move on.

One such thought is that there are two types of Ah-ha moments one can experience... one is a moment of great insight or discovery and the other is more of an mmm-hmmm moment... this is a moment of compassion or understanding of others with no great insight or discovery of something new to you...

perhaps it's best I let sleeping thoughts lay.

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