Autumn is Here

Fall has arrived in Minnesota. Apart from massively bad hay fever, Fall is one of my favorite times. The temperature is just right and the days are getting shorter but still long enough to have some daylight left at the end of the workday.

Believe it or not, I feel like life has started to settle down a bit. Don't get me wrong it hasn't gotten any less hectic (Sonja got up at 4:15 am this morning), but I think I am getting acclimated to the new pace. Get home, feed change diaper, feed Sonja, clean up mess, change diaper, take bath, get in pj's, then bedtime, then dinner for Mom and Dad and dishes after that as well as preparing lunch for me and for Sonja for the next day and trying to pick up the big mess that is constantly our home and if time allows throw something in the laundry to wear to work the next day. Then bed and maybe 30 minutes of TV or a book.

Now with me back in school I have to throw homework in there somewhere - I am sure it will all work out...

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