One year!

We made it! Jenn, Sonja and I have survived for 365 days. It definitely called for a celebration. So we invited over 3,000 of our closest friends and relatives, bought some beer, wine, water, cake, party favors, and chips and voila a party was had.

Sonja must have been very excited for the day because instead of her usual 2 - 2.5 hours of nap time prior to party time she thought that 45 minutes would suffice. But despite this fact she hung tough and had a great time. Apparently not a huge fan of white cake with white frosting (who's child is this?) but most decidedly a fan of swimming pools and other little kids.

Shot mostly video of the event but will save that for a posting in the future.

Love you Sonja,

Mom and Dad

1 comment:

ashyknees said...

Happy belated birthday to Sonja and congratulations to her mom and pop for making it possible!