Don't let the cuteness fool you

They make them so cute so you don't 'accidentally' forget them at the bus stop.

Perhaps I am speaking out of bitterness right now but Sonja managed to keep mom and dad awake from about midnight until 7am... and then we got about 2 hours of sleep.

A quick trip to the Dr. office (again - we just went in on Friday because we thought she might have RSV or the croup which are going around at daycare, but nope just a little cold) because when we called to explain our night from hell the Dr. asked if she wailed when we tried to lay her down. Jenn was very excited by this question because yes, in fact that was exactly what was happening.

The Dr. said that it sounds like a likely ear infection so bring her in. This phone diagnosis made us very excited perhaps there was a reason for this mega-crabitude and more importantly if there was a cause surely there is a cure (medicine!). But all for naught, after a hurried 30 mile drive to the clinic we were told she was the picture of health and that was that.

Mom and Dad are feeling dejected right now and plan to drown our sorrows in donuts and frozen pizza.

Pictures can be misleading:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! We promise you will sleep again. And yes it is a good thing they are so cute. We certainly believe in drowning our donut holes, ice cream, pizza, etc. Enjoy!