Since it is election season I thought I would dig up an old idea I had a few years back. It's a radical idea, a notion that could revolutionize the country. It's cooperation.
Two years ago Minnesota was seeing some pretty ugly partisan bickering going on within our the state government. It nearly led to a shut down of the government.
I tend to lean left, but it doesn't mean that I walk lock-step with the DFL party. In fact, for me, party loyalty is a crutch for the weak minded. Now this may sound harsh and probably not well thought out (which it isn't) but really shouldn't our loyalties lie within our communities and families?
Shouldn't GOP and DFL representatives be able to COMPROMISE and COOPERATE? I expect any political representative not to be able to fulfill every plank of their party platform. I expect them to use the plank as a starting point and then to move towards the center as they compromise with opposing viewpoints.
This was the thought that made me force a small group of friends and family to meet for coffee and treats to discuss what we could do about the gridlock that was (and is) the Minnesota political system.
A good conversation took place. Coffee was consumed. Ideas were bandied about, but in the end we did little. We left with plans to talk to our local representatives and to let them know that we valued compromise over conflict.
Unfortunately, life is busy. Time is scarce and motivation even scarcer. Perhaps someday, someone will pick up this dusty idea and run with it.
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