A blog of little note. Mainly a collection of thoughts and observations based on the addition of two daughters to our family... oh yeah and the occasional phobia haiku.
Sonja Collage
But the song is pretty and good for pictures.
Dork is back on the running trail... for now

Sadly, the above photo is of me and yes, I know I am a dork.
Screw Patience I want it Now

Sitting here with my eye twitching for the last 2 weeks is starting to get to me. I am irritable and feeling less patient all the time... throw into the mix a lack of sleep, the end of the semester busy work at school, and a work situation that I won't go into because there aren't enough symbols on top of the keyboard to express how I @#$$%@~! feel.
Needless to say I am at my wits end.
Usually in a situation like this I respond by making a rash technology purchase and I really have been wanting a new PC lately but it's just not in the cards for now.
So, in the meantime, I think we are going to purchase about the least techy thing I can imagine... a toilet.
I very much doubt that this will flush away my stress... although our current toilet is both causing my eye to twitch and my feet to get wet (yick!)
The with purchasing a new toilet is that we live in an older house so we need a 10" rough-in to fit the hole - most toilets currently come as 12" rough-in standard... so my non-custom order options are few.
Has anyone heard of the Niagara Flapperless toilet? Right now it's about our only candidate... and I would really like to hear some feed back as to how it rides...
Patience is a virtue
I did receive one nice offer to take the blog to Chuck E. Cheese for it's birthday.
Sounds like fun.
Happy Birthday mplsmerland

Happy birthday mplsmerland!
A very weird post

Here are the lyrics taken from the One site mentioned above... the by line is a mystery to me as most things Residents are.
by Ivory & The Braineaters
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Santa Dog's a Jesus Fetus
Has no presents,
Has no presence
In the future...
...In the future
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness severed sleeves
Bing, Bing, Bing, Bong, Bong, Bong, Snowness severed sleeves
A fleeting and a greeting scene of effervescent eves
Bing, Bing, Bing, Bong, Bong, Bong, Effervescent eves
Greeting and a meeting team of hoarse and frosty words
Bing, Bing, Bing, Bong, Bong, Bong, Hoarse and frosty words
A greeting and a cheating team and other noxious herbs
Bing, Bing, Bing, Bong, Bong, Bong, Other noxious herbs
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
A fleeting and a sleeting scene of snowness and of sleeves
Santa Dog
Has no presents
Has no presence
In the Future!
Grandpa and the Animal Farm
It's how early in the morning?
She was however very good and wailing at the top of her lungs for 20 minutes.
Perhaps this is why I did what I did with the hair and the beer once we got up for good around 7 A.M.
Thanksgiving good, black Friday bad
Black Friday, however has not gone quite as smoothly. I did my part for capitalism and awoke at 6am to purchase a gift (online from best buy) can't say what it was as the recipient of said item is one of the 12 readers of this blog (now actually more like 13 readers as I discovered my cousin Dylan has a blog and we traded URLs).
Next we headed out to my eye appt where I have slighlty worse vision than before but will be getting some new frames as reward for failing my vision test.
The rest of the day has been spent trying to get Sonja to take a nap (without much luck).
Must go now as it is time for food and crying.

I miss computer camp and turning on my Apple IIe all the while making sure the boot up disk was in the drive. I miss having to have a boot up disk in the drive in order to start a computer. I miss 5 1/4" floppy disks heck I miss disks in general, most PCs now don't include one.

I miss the days when computers were seen as a fringe phenomenon of ultra-geeks.
Don't let the cuteness fool you
Perhaps I am speaking out of bitterness right now but Sonja managed to keep mom and dad awake from about midnight until 7am... and then we got about 2 hours of sleep.
A quick trip to the Dr. office (again - we just went in on Friday because we thought she might have RSV or the croup which are going around at daycare, but nope just a little cold) because when we called to explain our night from hell the Dr. asked if she wailed when we tried to lay her down. Jenn was very excited by this question because yes, in fact that was exactly what was happening.
The Dr. said that it sounds like a likely ear infection so bring her in. This phone diagnosis made us very excited perhaps there was a reason for this mega-crabitude and more importantly if there was a cause surely there is a cure (medicine!). But all for naught, after a hurried 30 mile drive to the clinic we were told she was the picture of health and that was that.
Mom and Dad are feeling dejected right now and plan to drown our sorrows in donuts and frozen pizza.
Pictures can be misleading:
Sonja's first performance
Mondo Sonja
Gears of War

It started with the Atari system in the early 80's. I have been hooked ever since. I have wasted untold hours staring at a T.V. trying to kill bad guys, collecting coins, solving problems, racing cars etc...
I am now in my mid-thirties and feel that perhaps I am too old for video games.
The thing is that the games keep getting cooler. I just bought the new game, Gears of War, for my Xbox 360 this past week and I made a startling discovery. I am the target market for many of these video games.
This insight into my position as a primary target of the video game industry oddly came as I was playing through the Gears of War game. The game is rated M (mature). It contains some pretty graphic violence and (a first for me) some pretty graphic language.
I oddly appreciated the use of this coarser language. It fit with the overall theme of the game, a dark sci-fi kill the aliens thing, and the mature language fit with the action on the screen.
When you're about to be blown to smithereens by a 10-foot tall drooling alien the last thing you would likely say is oh golly, or help, or ahhhhh... more than likely a steady stream of foul language would spew forth.
Marketing by vulgarity and violence - a sad statement on the current state of the world - but one I appreciate nonetheless.
The meaning of pure joy
We had just put Sonja down in her crib for the night and were about to start singing her the nightly cannon of lullabies when I bent over to kiss Sonja's tummy. She giggled and giggled. So of course we kept doing that until all of us could laugh no longer.
It will be the thought that gets me through this week. Work remains stressful and school is moving towards it's semester's end crescendo of loads of group work and reading.

The weather has been cooperating with my mood. Today it is cold about 32°F snow/sleet and the air is permeated by a grey colorless cloud of haze. Ahh Mondays
Sonja Jumping and Eating
Sonja in the High Chair and with Kitty
Jenn and I were braggin' up the fact that Sonja has been such a good sleeper since about 2.5 months. Sleeping though the night, easy to put to bed, etc. So of course every night for the past few days she has been hard to get to bed and has woken up at hours best fit for the zombies and Wal-Mart shelf stockers.
Oh yeah, and I did finish my paper for class, but unlike previous classes I will spare all of you and not post it to the blog. It's about the importance of blogging for businesses so I am certain no one wants to read it.
Here are a few more pictures from the weekend. Feel free to post comments and click ads : )
Sonja Reads
Haikus for Breed 'em and Weep
Sonja makes the jump to real food!
Lots of pictures
Sonja in Yellow and Pink
Common Ground

Since it is election season I thought I would dig up an old idea I had a few years back. It's a radical idea, a notion that could revolutionize the country. It's cooperation.
Two years ago Minnesota was seeing some pretty ugly partisan bickering going on within our the state government. It nearly led to a shut down of the government.
I tend to lean left, but it doesn't mean that I walk lock-step with the DFL party. In fact, for me, party loyalty is a crutch for the weak minded. Now this may sound harsh and probably not well thought out (which it isn't) but really shouldn't our loyalties lie within our communities and families?
Shouldn't GOP and DFL representatives be able to COMPROMISE and COOPERATE? I expect any political representative not to be able to fulfill every plank of their party platform. I expect them to use the plank as a starting point and then to move towards the center as they compromise with opposing viewpoints.
This was the thought that made me force a small group of friends and family to meet for coffee and treats to discuss what we could do about the gridlock that was (and is) the Minnesota political system.
A good conversation took place. Coffee was consumed. Ideas were bandied about, but in the end we did little. We left with plans to talk to our local representatives and to let them know that we valued compromise over conflict.
Unfortunately, life is busy. Time is scarce and motivation even scarcer. Perhaps someday, someone will pick up this dusty idea and run with it.
For my dad in China
John Kerry is not a comedian

Thankfully, I no longer have to because someone spelled it out for me. Click here to read a well written opinion on the matter.
One thing I haven't heard anyone mention, and I am curious to know, is what is the average education level of our men and women serving in the military. My guess is that Kerry may have a point, the average enlistee enrolls out of high school and doesn't have a college degree. However, I still think there is a wide gap between education and intelligence. So while those serving our country via the military may not have an abundance of the former they make up for it with and overabundance of the latter.