5:30 a.m.

Sunsets and a Sunrise

Tom and I at Island View after getting rained out of a golf round

Sunset on Eagle lake as we arrived at the cabin

Sunrise on my way to work

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Sonja and Oliver out for a drive

Sonja and Oliver out for a spin at Liberty Custard. Thanks for all the well wishers regarding Sonja's trip to the E.R. nothing serious some dehydration due to a virus and since it was the Holidays we got to visit the Emergency Room vs. the regular old Dr. office. She is doing well now and wishes everyone a very happy thanksgiving! Oh yeah, and she has a new word... turtle. Video of that to come soon.

Handprint Turkeys and Macaroni Necklaces

Macaroni and Turkey Art by Sonja

I don't want to go all Hallmark card on my poor reader(s) today - writing a syrupy piece about how wonderful the holiday seasons are and how thankful I am for things. I do, however, want to say of all the holidays Thanksgiving is my favorite. It's my favorite for one reason. It's about family. No presents, no fireworks, no candy, no myths, no baloney (unless of course it's served on the table).

I think I am probably like many out there. I love my family but I am certain that I don't let them know this nearly enough.

Two weeks ago I visited my grandfather's grave on the second anniversary of his passing. It is always a little bit sad but I usually leave feeling more grateful for the life I have. This last visit I realized that I don't tell the people in my life how much they mean to me. Okay, okay I know some of you who know me are rolling your eyes and saying please, I hear you tell your sweetie 'I love you' about 5000 times per day. This is true and this will continue, but I mean more my extended family and friends.

To my extended family, my parents, my sister, my in-laws, my friends, I say this: You are very important to me. Through you I have become what I am today and I am thankful. With you I have lived life deeper than I would have otherwise. May your life be long and your laughs be frequent.

John 'future Hallmark card writer' Merland

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Sonja reads to baby Nancy

Watch the whole thing. The last 3 seconds make it all worth while.