We started with a Christmas eve eve hor's douvers at Aunt Sherry's. It was very nice to have Sonja get to see everyone. Jenn and I both managed to eat our fill of pigs in a blanket, pigs in a blanket with cheese, pesto cheese melt things, summer sausage, crackers and cheese. Noticing a cheese theme here. We washed it all down with some sparkling beverage vs. the hot wassail (because I don't trust anything with a name like wassail ). We managed to vacate the premises by 8:00 and were home in time for Sonja to go to bed at 8:30 and for me to make my second batch of Special K bars for the Christmas Eve celebration the next afternoon.
Christmas Eve was spent at Pat and Doug's home. Everyone was there minus David and Steph (but we understand the lure of Missouri and how it's hard to leave). Sonja hung in there really well despite the massive amount of baby oggling and hugging that took place. Mike and Dana made a persuasive pitch for another visit to Utah (which we are mulling over) and Bryan and I had a brief tech talk interlude with Shawn. Ole, Erik and Johnny kept the cat entertained in the basement.
Christmas day was a bit of a blur for me. The previous night Sonja was getting up every other hour screaming at the top of her lungs. No, she wasn't trying to scare off Santa and his reindeer, rather, she had decided that she would catch a cold for Christmas and become her own mucus factory. So lots of boogers equal lots of congestion and coughing which equals mommy and daddy having to rock her back to sleep over and over because the vertical position drains all the slime out of her head vs the horizontal positioning of her crib.
Merry Christmas Everyone and a happy new year!
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