Sonja is getting bigger everyday... still not crawling yet, but she loves to stand up and walk around holding onto mom and dads fingers. She is also very fond of pat-a-cake and even learned to clap daddy's hands during the song... such a smart little peanut.
Life is going gangbusters here. I going into week 5 in my 12 week pre-marathon training program and it's good. My only real complaint, other than some minor soreness is having to get up at 4:30am so I can get to the gym to work out prior to being at work.
We went and saw the play Our Town last week. Two of our very good friends were in it. They both did a wonderful job. Of course I had extremely low expectation, not being a huge fan of theater or churches or small intimate groups of strangers (the play was put on at a Unitarian Church notoriously small - seated maybe 40 people) thankfully, my low expectations were washed away. The play was great. The acting done very well and the story was brilliant... I was glad I went. We finished up the evening with an after play party at our friends house where we enjoyed wine, pizza and home brew. I also had the opportunity to work out some stress on the X-box 36o and enjoyed playing Saints Row.
So life is good. The days get longer and warmer all the time. Really looking forward to Summer!
As one of your "Our Town" friends, I am so appreciative of you (and the rest of the dear Scooby Gang) for attending and I'm honored to be blogged about. I'm also stunned and impressed that you are getting up at 4:30 for the marathon training!! I hope you can still squeeze in time to write that "canoodling breasts" haiku.
Whenever you're ready for a winter reprieve, we'll have a guest room ready.
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