Apparently, we are at war right now. A global war even, a war against evil itself. A war on terror. Oh goody! I have always wanted to rid the world of terror and evil. Sounds like a pretty simple thing to do.
I remember as a kid, sitting in History class and hearing about WWII. I used to try and imagine what it was like for the people back home. I used to imagine that it the US was devoid of all men as they had all gone overseas. I imagined a world where an entire nation's focus was on the war. Fretting and worrying over sons and husbands. Riveting together planes, buying war bonds, recycling everything, rationing food, pennies without copper... I thought war required sacrifice on every ones part.
Now I sit in my home, the war on terror rages while America watches 'American Idol'. We prop our feet up on the coffee table and enjoys a cold beer. The war is real, soldiers are dying and being injured everyday, but what impact does that have on me?
It feels so wrong. It feels like this national disinterest in something as mind-bendingly significant as a global war is somehow going to bite us in the ass.
No answers only angst.
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