Jenn returns to work tomorrow and is not looking forward to it. I can't blame her. Going back to work was hard for me, but Jenn has had 12 weeks to spend with the little peanut so I imagine it will be 6 times harder than my return was after 2 weeks. Tomorrow is going to be a day of tears to be sure.

So to help Mom through her day tomorrow I am going to put together a list of 7 things I love about my wife and another list with 7 things that Sonja loves about her mom.
7 things I love about my wife
7. She has the biggest heart in the world
6. She never gives up - she is the eternal optimist
5. She loves physical humor
4. She let's me play golf even though I should be staying at home
3. Everything she does she gives her all
2. She is the most beautiful woman in the world
1. Her smile melts my heart
7 things Sonja loves about her mommy
7. She sings me beautiful songs
6. She reads me stories almost every night
5. She talks to me softly even when I am upset
4. She is constantly smiling at me - and I love her smile
3. She changes my diaper when it needs it
2. She dresses me up in the cutest little outfits
1. She feeds me yummy yummy milk
- I love you mommy (p.s. plumbs are dumb)
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