When did I get so busy? In some respects my life is going to slow down when baby arrives and in others it's going to go faster than I can even imagine. I have a feeling we won't be hauling off all over town every weeknight and weekend, rather people will be stopping by our house more often. But with the total lack of sleep and constant baby attendance things will still seem a blur.
I was driving into work today and there was a story on the radio about geriatric doctors and how he saw his job as trying to help people meet their end of life goals. Being able to die in their own home or being able to be alive for a wedding or the birth of child. Next thing I knew I was crying. Driving and crying - not the best combo - but it was early and the roads were still relatively empty. My grandpa would have loved to meet baby and baby would have loved grandpa. I am quite certain the same is true for my wife's grandma. We miss our grandparents very much.
On the happy side - life is good. Jenn is healthy and feeling good. Just a little over 2 months left now. I predicted that baby would be born on June 30th (the actual due date) but part of me would love to have a daughter on father's day June 18th. All I know is that I am anxious to meet baby and can't wait to say hi little one! I love you! and then tickle her little tiny toes : )
I'm sorry your grandpa and Jenn's grandma won't get to meet Sonia, but hopefully you will get some joy seeing them both in her--both physically and in her personality. And you will get to tell her lots of stories about them. But I know it's not the same...I'm sad my mom never got to know our dogs, especially Oscar. Not that I'm equating human children with pets! I'm just bummed my mom is missing so many things, including my sex toy biz.
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