A blog of little note. Mainly a collection of thoughts and observations based on the addition of two daughters to our family... oh yeah and the occasional phobia haiku.
7 things I love about my wife
7. She remembers holding hands crossing the finish line at Grandma's Marathon
6. She is already caring for our child in ways I can never appreciate
5. She is the most considerate person in the world
4. She loves to laugh
3. She smells like chocolate
2. She makes me feel safe and happy
1. She wears pajamas to paint in - buys DQ for me and my mom on the way home - she loves thin mints.
Man am I lucky! Sonia, you are already the luckiest little girl in the world and you don't even know it yet.
6. She is already caring for our child in ways I can never appreciate
5. She is the most considerate person in the world
4. She loves to laugh
3. She smells like chocolate
2. She makes me feel safe and happy
1. She wears pajamas to paint in - buys DQ for me and my mom on the way home - she loves thin mints.
Man am I lucky! Sonia, you are already the luckiest little girl in the world and you don't even know it yet.
Top 10 Reasons I Love Golf

9. It’s not as easy as it looks
8. It requires mental focus and relaxation at the same time
7. No two shots are alike
6. It’s a chance to talk to friends
5. Being surround by nature (even manicured nature) is invigorating
4. The rules of golf translate well into life lessons
3. You can wear crazy pants and not attract too much attention
2. It’s a game that can be played by all ages
1. Patience is often rewarded
Sunshine hurts my eyes

I must be naturally paranoid or curious but I thought maybe there was something in the sun that the adults didn't want me to see, so, like a dolt I stared. I think I saw spots for about an hour afterwards. Oddly I didn't suffer any physical damage from the episode, but I do remember it vividly. I wouldn't say the memory haunts me so much as nags me.
Why, despite good and well intentioned advice did I do what I was told I shouldn't? I can only hope that when Sonia decides not to heed good advice it's "You shouldn't eat in the family room." or "Remember to brush your teeth." and not when I tell her "You shouldn't stare into the sun ."
Thursday April 13th

When did I get so busy? In some respects my life is going to slow down when baby arrives and in others it's going to go faster than I can even imagine. I have a feeling we won't be hauling off all over town every weeknight and weekend, rather people will be stopping by our house more often. But with the total lack of sleep and constant baby attendance things will still seem a blur.
I was driving into work today and there was a story on the radio about geriatric doctors and how he saw his job as trying to help people meet their end of life goals. Being able to die in their own home or being able to be alive for a wedding or the birth of child. Next thing I knew I was crying. Driving and crying - not the best combo - but it was early and the roads were still relatively empty. My grandpa would have loved to meet baby and baby would have loved grandpa. I am quite certain the same is true for my wife's grandma. We miss our grandparents very much.
On the happy side - life is good. Jenn is healthy and feeling good. Just a little over 2 months left now. I predicted that baby would be born on June 30th (the actual due date) but part of me would love to have a daughter on father's day June 18th. All I know is that I am anxious to meet baby and can't wait to say hi little one! I love you! and then tickle her little tiny toes : )
An e-mail from my wife
I have the best wife in the world! She sends me wonderful e-mails like this one (note the haiku):
Hello, love of my life:
Thank you for being my sunshine, my peanut butter, my soul's sweetest music, my raucous belly laugh, and my happiest and most beautiful place.
Little Sonja, the
sweetest daddy waits for you.
You will love him so
all my heart,
tubby me
Hello, love of my life:
Thank you for being my sunshine, my peanut butter, my soul's sweetest music, my raucous belly laugh, and my happiest and most beautiful place.
Little Sonja, the
sweetest daddy waits for you.
You will love him so
all my heart,
tubby me
Happiness is injustice

It may seem odd but it makes me happy. I am not a mean man, nor am I unsympathetic. It really comes down to experiencing something I experienced as a child but being on the other side... I remember the look on my mom's face when I would complain to her about the book reports or math problems some cruel teacher assigned over break. "Mom, can you believe that they assigned homework over break?!" I would pout, "Yes, it's a real shame." my mom would drone without the slightest hint of sincerity... I also secretly thought she was fighting back a smile or holding back a laugh. The injustices of middle-class childhood - there ought to be a support group : )
Life will change
I have had several friends comment to me about the blog that it's great but that I just won't have time for that sort of thing once baby arrives. Perhaps they are right, but I like to think that if you really enjoy doing something you will make time for it. If writing a blog that 4 people read is something I enjoy enough remains to be seen but for now... I write.
I know it is true, because everyone says it, "Your life is never going to be the same" they say... I can not dispute this. In fact it would be folly to do so. My life is about to take a dramatic turn down a road of which I know very little. I have traveled down this road growing up as a child, but soon I will be the one guiding another small footsteps on the winding road of life. It is an overwhelming task when I sit and think on it, but there is one thing I don't want to forget... I want to teach our child to be true to herself. And to do this I think it is imperative that I remain true to myself. True, my golf game may suffer, or my time playing video games may dwindle, but I hope that I am able to hold onto these activities even if just a sliver of them - for both my sanity and for perspective.
I imagine I will go back and read this someday and laugh to my hearts content. Perhaps little Sonja (Sonia) will sit by my side and read it with me and say, "Daddy you don't golf" and I will look into her eyes and strain to remember why I ever golfed in the first placed, but I just don't see it happening.
I know it is true, because everyone says it, "Your life is never going to be the same" they say... I can not dispute this. In fact it would be folly to do so. My life is about to take a dramatic turn down a road of which I know very little. I have traveled down this road growing up as a child, but soon I will be the one guiding another small footsteps on the winding road of life. It is an overwhelming task when I sit and think on it, but there is one thing I don't want to forget... I want to teach our child to be true to herself. And to do this I think it is imperative that I remain true to myself. True, my golf game may suffer, or my time playing video games may dwindle, but I hope that I am able to hold onto these activities even if just a sliver of them - for both my sanity and for perspective.
I imagine I will go back and read this someday and laugh to my hearts content. Perhaps little Sonja (Sonia) will sit by my side and read it with me and say, "Daddy you don't golf" and I will look into her eyes and strain to remember why I ever golfed in the first placed, but I just don't see it happening.
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