A bucket to put poopy diapers in. Okay a fancy bucket, but still a bucket. You wouldn't believe the options out there. ranging from $10 bucket with a deoderizer under the lid to the $40 suck away the besmirched bundle of goodness and wrap it up tightly, hermetically sealed away in the bowels of the diaper champ.
After about 1 hour of registering at target.com we found what we were looking for. The diaper bucket. 4 diaper buckets to be exact. Under each diaper bucket a handy link to reviews written by honest to god consumers who used the products themselves - although there were a fair number of effusive reviews written by expetant mothers (I don't really want to know if they have tested the bucket themselves...) So 4 buckets, 25 reviews apiece. 2 hours later and copious note taking we have it narrowed down to 3.
Next, onto the manufacturers' websites to download .pdf documentation and engineering specifications showing how great each bucket is. Look, one has a piston! Is that a good or a bad thing? Is our baby going to be filling up those pampers so full that it requires a piston to ram it down the bucket hole?!? Step away from the computer... 1 hour later and we have decided. The diaper champ is king. Personally, I think it looks like a little person which is strange because of where you would be putting the diaper.
I think our new strategy will be to actually go to the store next time. Be given a scanner, walk over to the shelves and say ohhh that looks cute and zap, the magic red laser beam instantly records our split-second impulse. No reviews, no limitless amounts of information, just a pull of the trigger, and beep and done. Knowledge is power, but impulse is king.
My God. I think it would just be easier to cover the floor with a giant sheet of plastic and buy yourselves a floor squeegee. Then again, which squeegee is best for piles of poop?
You guys are good at this stuff! Right now Renee is playing with the great ball you got for Forest years ago.
Suggest however coming and getting our Diaper Genie. $65 in your favor. Think of it as a jumpstart to the college fund.
Oops...I bet we just made it worse!
Wow, I'm both impressed and frightened by your consumer research skills. Yes, I think there is a time and place for impulse.
In an effort to bond about poop, let me add that I am very happy we pay a service to pick up our dog poop once a week. And, it makes a great conversation piece to start a story by saying "The woman who picks up dog poop in our yard..."
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