Atychiphobia Haiku

All effort is for naught
I'd rather do naught than fail

An e-mail from Jenn

John started his grad school class again on Thursday nights, and Sonja and I called him to say "hi" and report on the day's events when I picked her up from school yesterday. John told her that he was going to school that night, too, and she said, "Oh, just like me! What is YOUR teacher's name?" John told her that it is Milt, and she laughed like it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard, said "HAHAHAHA, that sounds like white milk!!!" and then continued to giggle about it off and on for much of the rest of the ride home.

Toddler humor is so weird and fun!

Trichophobia Haiku

It grows and grows yet it's dead
Its a mammal curse

Ombrophobia Haiku

A seeping soaking wetness
Unrelenting rain

Frigophobia haiku

Winter's bitter wind blows cold
Frostbite numbs hands, toes