Many of my friends let me know over and over again that they don't think my blog is bloggy enough. "It's just a bunch of pictures and video clips of your daughter." they whine.
I usually respond with I don't have enough time to write... I have a 2-year old, didn't you see the pictures? But it does bother me. I used to write almost everyday on this here thing and lately I just haven't had the time. So here goes.
As some of you may know we have sold our house and are in the process of moving to the South West Burbs. This may come as a shock to many of you especially those of you who have heard me rail against the burbs and its homogeneity. There are many reasons behind this decision - none of which I will go into here. In the end it just make sense for us.
So we have been crazy busy packing and cleaning and showing the house and signing paperwork on top of a having an active 2-year old and on top of very busy times for both of us at our jobs.
We miss our friends and realize that to some of you we have been negligent. Please forgive us.
We promise that once we are in a reasonably settled to have a house warming party that will be both casual and inviting. Until then I hope you enjoy living vicariously via photos and blogs of my life... after all isn't it so much easier to watch a video clip rather than read all of this clap-trap?