Homer Flies

Yes, he flies! Yes, I have toys at my desk. If you're not a kid at heart you're an adult.
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Amaxophobia Haiku

Movement, no control
Hey! Where is my steering wheel?
It's amaxophobia

Amathophobia Haiku

Little bits of fluff
The bunnies under my bed

Multimedia message

Multimedia message... not the most original blog entry title but the cool thing is I didn't create it - I can now send photos straight from my new fangled Samsung Sync A-707 cell phone. Just take the picture and then send the image to my blog for autoposting... how cool is that. Of course I can't give it a nice title and to put text in I have to be back at my computer but still a fun little gizmo. Look for more photos to follow under the exciting title of Multimedia message.

My small small world

Some people have plants, others coffee cup cozies, and some have calendars adorning their cubicles... I have my little cube people. I still think I need to decorate with a swatch of carpet but I keep forgetting to cut myself a sample. If only I had a large 'Super' Homer Simpson to stand watch over my cube to combat the evil stares of The Office's Dwight and the tom-foolery of Bugs Bunny perhaps then my workday would go by with fewer issues.

Old fashioned 35mm film

So here are some Christmas photos from 2006... I just got the film from the camera developed now... Life moved slower just a few years ago... I suppose the irony of me finally getting the film developed is that I also purchased the prints with a CD included so I could have them digitally... Ain't technology grand?

One year!

We made it! Jenn, Sonja and I have survived for 365 days. It definitely called for a celebration. So we invited over 3,000 of our closest friends and relatives, bought some beer, wine, water, cake, party favors, and chips and voila a party was had.

Sonja must have been very excited for the day because instead of her usual 2 - 2.5 hours of nap time prior to party time she thought that 45 minutes would suffice. But despite this fact she hung tough and had a great time. Apparently not a huge fan of white cake with white frosting (who's child is this?) but most decidedly a fan of swimming pools and other little kids.

Shot mostly video of the event but will save that for a posting in the future.

Love you Sonja,

Mom and Dad

Janel and Sven P. Diddy White Party