I apologize to my loyal fan base of 5, but life is once again hectic.
I have fallen off of a 2 month exercise program due to sickness - which after 2 weeks is just starting to clear up. This same bug has prevented my usual barrage of Sonja pictures and phobia haikus.
Sonja has become more and more active requiring much more of my time. No longer can I just sit her down and expect her to be there when I return. No more "You just wait here in the car while Daddy goes into the casino for a few hours." The crawling is awesome but requires so much more attention. She pulls herself up on anything and everything and loves to chat away.
And work has been a trial as of late. I am still getting acquainted with my new role. I like the job but it requires a lot of effort to get up and running.
Just a few more days now until my count down timer reaches zero (see nav bar to the right) and we can all celebrate Arbor Day the way it was meant to be celebrated... with beer and TV. I mean, planting a tree.
Hope everyone out there is well. Please forgive me for my lack of correspondence, but don't let that stop you from contacting me. Comments are welcome as are emails.