Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. No, I did not win the lottery. Nor did I solve world hunger. What caused my happiness? What caused this to be a monumental day? I got to dance with my daughter.
True we have danced before. A polka at her first wedding age 2 months (see July 2006 posting), and the very common bouncing, twirling and jumping to songs on the radio. This dance, however, was special.
Sonja is starting to learn to stand-up with little help (just a few little fingers in her hands to keep her steady). She is also beginning to figure her world out and you can see it in her eyes that this is a very exciting thing. To top it all off, she is beginning to babble (more than just the raspberries and occasionally goo goos) she is purposely moving her mouth in a speaking motion and then trying to talk... it is amazing, it's like you can see her thinking and trying so hard to form her first words. So all of these factors played a part in our dance.
We were on mommy and daddy's bed and I was helping her to stand. I held her little hands in mine and then just started wasn't the normal jump jump jump fall it was a real dance...THE Twist. She twisted her hips from side to side and kept her eyes staring at mine, and as she did this a huge smile grew across her face. Her eyes widened and she laughed and smiled and twisted. We were both laughing and smiling and during one of our occasional breaks she used her new found baby babbling skills to tell me how much fun she was having and that she loved me (I am pretty sure I got the translation right). I told her I was having lots of fun and that I loved her too. Mommy even got in on the party and we danced and laugh as a family and it felt good.
A blog of little note. Mainly a collection of thoughts and observations based on the addition of two daughters to our family... oh yeah and the occasional phobia haiku.
Sonja and the cat
Sonja and the cat are really good pals lately... This will likely change once Sonja is mobile.
Things have been hectic as of late. The new job is going well but I made the unfortunate decision to start my twin cities marathon training program now. This requires that I leave the house at 5am so I can workout in the corporate gym. Week one has been successful but I have a feeling my butt will begin to drag in weeks 2 and 3...
Looking forward to golf starting this year. I have not gone out at all this winter, which is unusual for me. I know the amount I golf will be much less than in summers past but my goals is at least once a month.
Oh yeah and Sonja has been a total handful today... gotta run she is fussin' now.
Looking forward to golf starting this year. I have not gone out at all this winter, which is unusual for me. I know the amount I golf will be much less than in summers past but my goals is at least once a month.
Oh yeah and Sonja has been a total handful today... gotta run she is fussin' now.
St. Patrick's Day and Sonja Photos
Shirts Optional
Apparently shirts were optional in Frank Zappa's band in 1978. Amazing video of Suicide Chump:
Chaetophobia Haiku - With Chewaphobia bonus

No matter the shade, I cringe
For my sister's friend... sorry they didn't have a phobia specific to redheads, or pot-lucks, or chewing (but I made one up just for you)... you really should get some help

Chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew
Happy Valentines Day 2007

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone in the world. I wrote a rather pessimistic piece on Valentine's Day in 2006 (click here to review). I have, however, since modified my position.
It turns out that having a post about a holiday prior to the holiday is one hell of a good way to up the traffic coming to your blog. Within 2 weeks my daily hits went from 14 to 225 (and still going).
All of this traffic is for Google image searches for Valentine's hearts not for my stunningly depressing tirade on the holiday, but hey, I take 'em where I can get 'em.
The heartwarming portion of this story is where the hits are coming from. I have had people land on my site from Mongolia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel all within the last 48 hours and all of them are looking for a cute little heart to attach to an email or webpage somewhere.
In a time when it seems the world is at war it's nice that love still has at least one day.
More clothes because it's cold out
Posting has been a little off as of late. New job has begun so I am in that intensive focused learning stage. I should be over that in about 2 days and then it will just be work once again and the regular posting should resume.
So far Sonja has held up admirably to the cold. -8°F currently and she is, as the saying goes, sleeping like a baby.
She is more active now everyday and Grandma P. has put out the crawling in 2 weeks prediction. Let the baby proofing begin!
So far Sonja has held up admirably to the cold. -8°F currently and she is, as the saying goes, sleeping like a baby.
She is more active now everyday and Grandma P. has put out the crawling in 2 weeks prediction. Let the baby proofing begin!
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