I know that my spelling and my grammar can sometimes be atrocious, and for that I apologize.
Spent most of today shoveling the five inches of wet, heavy snow we had. Spent the afternoon playing a little Xbox, and ended the evening with a few games of cribbage with Jenn (Jenn won 2 out 3). We made dinner, a very scrumptious meatloaf, rice, and peas. Now just sitting in bed typing out a few stray thoughts as we watch Funny Face on TV.
I often think about all the technology in the world today - cell phones, laptops, palm pilots, blackberries, the internet, DVD burners, ps2, Xbox, HDTV, etc - what is so amazing to me is just how recent most of these items are. Just 15 years ago none of this stuff was really around. I will watch a movie from the early 90's and it's quaint when the hero is running from trouble or trying desperately to reach a pay phone (no one had cell phones then). I am no luddite, in fact I tend to fall on the opposite end of the spectrum, but there is something I find disturbing about many of these advances... false promises. I am not sure if that is the best way to describe it but I think it comes close.
Cutting edge technology is no longer the domain of geeks, nerds, scientist and specialists; it has become so intertwined with American culture, so mixed up with our identities, so omnipresent in advertising, it has become hard to know exactly where we stand. For me at least, technology used to hold the promise for a better tomorrow, a sort of hope for the future. That promise now seems comprimised, sold out, commoditized. Advances for advancement's sake, no sense of direction anymore. Technology in everything, everywhere, whether or not it is needed. I mean do I really need another DVD player? I have 5 right now. It seems you can't buy a toaster that doesn't come with a new DVD player. Don't get me wrong - it's great that they can put a DVD player in a toaster - but really I just want toast...
Well, Funny Face is nearly over so I should sign off before this turns into some sort of crazy manifesto.